What does it mean to "run a node"?

Run software.

Referred to as a 'client', this software performs the task of downloading the Lattice Network and validating each block's authenticity. It ensures that the client's copy of the blockchain remains current by staying synchronized with new blocks and transactions. Additionally, it aids other users in obtaining and maintaining their own copies of the blockchain.

With hardware.

Lattice Network is specifically designed to operate on standard consumer-grade computers. Although it can be installed on any personal computer, many users prefer to deploy their nodes on dedicated hardware. This approach helps mitigate any performance issues that could potentially affect their machines and reduces the occurrence of node downtime.

While online.

Setting up and running a Lattice node may initially appear complex, but in essence, it involves running client software on a computer that remains connected to the internet consistently. During periods of disconnection, the node will remain dormant until it reconnects and synchronizes with the most recent updates, resuming its activity.

Who should run a node?

Everyone! Nodes are not exclusive to proof-of-vote validators. They are open for anyone to run, and you don't need Latt to do so..

Running a node on Lattice does not require staking Latt. Interestingly, it is the other nodes on Lattice Network that hold validators responsible.

While you may not receive the financial incentives that validators earn, there are numerous advantages for any Lattice user considering running a node. These benefits include enhanced privacy, improved security, decreased dependence on third-party servers, resistance to censorship, and contributing to the network's health and decentralization.

By having your own node, you eliminate the need to rely on information about the network's state provided by a third party, thereby enhancing trust and control over the data you receive.

Just Verify.

Why run a node?

Privacy & Security

Cease the dissemination of your personal information to nodes operated by third parties.

By utilizing public nodes to send transactions, there is a risk of personal information leakage to third-party services. This includes details like your IP address and the Ethereum addresses associated with you.

However, you can maintain privacy and security by directing compatible wallets to your personal node. This way, you can securely interact with the blockchain using your wallet while keeping your information private.

Moreover, in the event that a malicious node distributes an invalid transaction, your own node will simply ignore it. Each transaction is locally verified on your machine, eliminating the need to rely on external sources and ensuring a high level of trust in the process.

Censorship Resistance

Ensure access when you need it, and don't be censored.

When relying on a third-party node, there is a possibility that they might reject transactions based on specific IP addresses or accounts, which could potentially restrict your access to the network when you require it.

However, by running your own node and utilizing it to submit transactions, you ensure that you can broadcast your transactions to the entire peer-to-peer network whenever necessary. This guarantees uninterrupted access and allows you to maintain control over the submission of your transactions.


The decentralization revolution starts with you.

By operating a node, you actively contribute to a worldwide initiative aimed at decentralizing control and authority within the realm of information.

As a holder, you can add value to your LATT tokens by promoting the well-being and decentralization of the network. Furthermore, running a node allows you to have a voice in shaping the future of the network, ensuring your participation in its decision-making processes.


Resist strengthening centralized points of failure.

While centralized cloud servers offer significant computing power, they also present a prime target for both nation-states and attackers seeking to disrupt the network.

Enhancing network resilience involves the proliferation of nodes across various geographic locations, operated by individuals from diverse backgrounds. As more people opt to run their own nodes, the dependence on centralized vulnerabilities decreases, ultimately fortifying the network and its defenses against potential threats.

Take charge of your decision-making.

When a chain fork occurs, resulting in two distinct chains with different rule sets, running your own node ensures that you retain control over which set of rules you endorse. You have the autonomy to decide whether to adopt new rules and support proposed changes or opt not to.

If you stake LATT, operating your own node empowers you to select your preferred client, reducing the risk of slashing and enabling you to adapt to the evolving demands of the network. Entrusting your staking to a third party relinquishes your ability to vote for the client you deem most suitable.

Embrace your sovereignty.

Running a node can be seen as the natural progression beyond owning a Lattice Backpack.

While a Lattice Backpack empowers you to have complete ownership and control over your digital assets by holding the private keys to your addresses, these keys alone do not provide you with real-time information about the state of the blockchain, such as your wallet balance.

By default, Lattice Backpacks often rely on third-party nodes like Infura or Alchemy to retrieve balance information. However, running your own node grants you the ability to possess your personal copy of the Ethereum blockchain. This enables you to stay updated with the latest blockchain data and have direct access to information, enhancing your self-reliance and sovereignty.

Get Started?


The ability to interface with the command-line in order to operate a Lattice node.

⚠️If this is your preference, and you've got the skills, feel free to check out our technical docs.

Coming Soon.


A free and open-source software that gives users an app-like experience while managing their node.

Setting up your node is as simple as a few taps, thanks to DAppNode.

DAppNode streamlines the process of running full nodes, dapps, and other peer-to-peer networks, eliminating the requirement of command-line interactions. This user-friendly approach enables seamless participation from everyone, fostering the development of a more decentralized network.

Complete Solution

To ensure the easiest onboarding experience, consider ordering a plug-and-play option from reliable vendors.


MetaMask is the most popular software wallet and browser extension. Metamask allows you to store main-net Lattice based assets and interact with Lattice Network DApps.