Explore Wallets

Lattice Network Backpack

Lattice Network Backpack is the official Cold storage built by Lattice Labs for Web3. It allows you to store, receive, and send your Lattice tokens, collectibles and verifiable credentials. You can also store all other Layer 1 assets as well.


MetaMask is the most popular software wallet and browser extension. Metamask allows you to store main-net Lattice based assets and interact with Lattice Network DApps.

Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet is the most trusted and secure Token Wallet, used by 10 million+ people. Trust Wallet supports main-net Lattice based assets and interact with Lattice Network DApps.

Ledger Wallet

Ledger Nano is the most popular hardware wallet and the most secure way to store your main-net Lattice based assets and interact with Lattice Network DApps.